ACUE Faculty Development Institute
Note: Currently, ACUE's 25 module Effective Teaching Practices curriculum is only available to graduate students enrolled in course 66:908:501: Advanced Theory and Practice of Teaching, offered every Fall Semester. RU-N faculty, instructional staff, and graduate students interested in incrementally earning their Certificate in Effective College Instruction should consider our ACUE Microcrendential offerings. We now offer 6-8 week ACUE coursework every semester, including Summer!
The ACUE Faculty Development Institute at Rutgers-Newark is an intensive professional development program offered to enhance teaching practices. The Associate of College and University Educators (ACUE) was founded by leaders in higher education to advance instruction, support college educators, and promote student success. ACUE helps colleges and universities achieve their goals for students through innovative faculty development partnerships and a research-based Course in Effective Teaching Practices.
The program is comprised of twenty-five (25) learning modules over two semesters (approximately 15 weeks long) covering five (5) content areas, including:
Designing an effective course and class
Establishing a productive classroom environment
Using active learning techniques
Promoting higher order thinking
Assessing to inform instruction and promote learning.
Faculty fellows spend each of the terms (1) individually working through online interactive modules, (2) exploring at least one technique in their classes, and (3) joining together biweekly as a group for a facilitated discussion focused on high-impact pedagogical practices and effective teaching strategies.
Upon successful completion of the course, faculty fellows receive a nationally-recognized Certificate in Effective College Instruction, endorsed by the American Council on Education (ACE), and are conferred the Rutgers-Newark designation of ACUE Distinguished Teaching Scholar.
Eligibility & Expectations: All Rutgers-Newark teaching faculty, including tenured/tenure-track, NTT, and PTL, and PhD students are eligible to participate.
Meet Our ACUE Faculty Fellows
Jason Bird
Associate Professor, Department of Social Work
The ACUE course significantly enhanced my teaching skills and approach. While each module provided useful information, I found the modules on course organization the must helpful. These modules provided practical skills for breaking course material into more manageable mini-lectures and incorporating more interactive, active learning exercises. My students have responded positively to being more active participants in their learning process, which has been reflected in their papers and exams. Overall, the ACUE course provided an excellent opportunity for me to deepen my impact as a professor.
Carmen Bonilla
Assistant Professor of Professional Practice, Management and Global Business
I am excited to have completed ACUE's Effective Teaching Practices course. It provides practical, innovative solutions to the classroom situations we face. My students have loved the tools I have implemented in the classroom as a result, as simple, for example, to have voting cards and conducting polls during class. The tools increase student engagement and learning.
Seulki Lee
PhD candidate, Division of Global Affairs
ACUE course has been one of my best mentors for teaching. It helped reshape my perception of and attitude towards the students, which was a turnaround for improving my teaching jobs to be able to satisfy not only my students but also myself as an instructor!
Binneh Minteh
Adjunct Professor, School of Criminal Justice
The course equipped me with new tools that strengthen my teaching methods to guarantee student understanding and application of concepts, methods, and analysis to the real world in all settings. Thanks to ACUE Courses that my delivery of lectures and student engagement has captivated student interest and commitment to succeed. In sum, my course organization and delivery ensure that students take ownership and leadership of their responsibility to the course.
Marina Saad
Associate Professor, Criminal Justice
ACUE has changed how I teach all of my courses. Students in my courses are now active participants rather than passively attending class. Previously I used to lecture in all of my courses, now students are engaged and there are many opportunities for students to engage with myself as well as their peers.
Alexander Sannella
Professor, Accounting & Information Systems
The ACUE course improved my teaching in numerous ways. Most notably, including more interactive learning, the use of exit tickets and making grade improvement opportunities available. For online teaching, I have improved in many aspects including facilitating online discussions. Students have indicated that by using these techniques, they are learning more (peer learning) and are more engaged in both face to face and online courses.
Lisa Singer
Adjunct Professor, Executive PCC Coach, Certified Public Manager Program
Going virtual in March 2020, many of the teaching and sharing were so applicable to this new experience of teaching remotely. It was useful in mixing in tips and tools into my syllabus and learning community I co-created (of course my certified coaching comes into the classroom as well!) with my students! Thank you!
Roberta Tipton
Business Librarian, John Cotton Dana Library
ACUE has given me confidence in some techniques I was already using for classroom instruction in workshops and appearances inside the courses of other faculty. In addition, the ACUE course broadened my teaching repertoire and trRansformed my abilities to make sure that I am really reaching students and making spaces for them to develop their own ideas inside instruction. Student engagement has increased.
Lois Warner
Assistant Teaching Professor, School of Public Affairs and Administration
I now have by far more options for engaging my students than before. I also feel more prepared to support learning among a diverse group of students. Some actions used previously, for example grading and instructor feedback now have a greater purpose as opportunities for building trust and reducing stress among my students. My perception of the scope for engaging students in online course formats has also broadened.