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Expanding the Audience for Your Scholarship with The Conversation


Rutgers University-Newark is proud to be a founding member of The Conversation. The Conversation partners news editors with academics to publish articles for popular media and broad audiences.  The Conversation arose out of deep-seated concerns for the fading quality of American public discourse – and recognition of the vital role that academic experts can play in the public arena.  The Conversation disseminates articles written by academics to more than 22,000 sites worldwide. Your articles will reach a global audience of over 42 million readers a month.

All Rutgers-Newark faculty are encouraged to learn more about The Conversation, and how our partnership with them is bringing RU-N faculty scholarship to thousands of new readers.

About The Conversation

Why Write for The Conversation Now?

Talk to RU-N's dedicated editor from The Conversation, Bryan Keogh

We are pleased to announce that an editor from The Conversation is available for one-on-one sessions to assist faculty with developing short, digestible pieces about their research for broad audiences. The Conversation’s editorial process is deliberate and collaborative. Bryan pays close attention to the news environment to identify issues of concern to the general reading public. He will work with you to unlock your potential for broad reach and media engagement!

Click here to schedule an "Office Hours" session with Conversation Editor Bryan Keogh - he is helping faculty across the university to unlock opportunities for public engagement with, and wide dissemination of, their work. 



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