Central to the vision of the Rutgers University - Newark strategic plan, Where Opportunity Meets Excellence, is the notion of Rutgers Newark being a place where people with tremendous talent, intellectual capacity, and imagination can fully leverage these assets for the benefit of our students, our university, and the many communities with which we interact.
In order to achieve the ambitious goals articulated in the strategic plan, Chancellor Nancy Cantor dedicated funds to support the development and implementation of projects proposed by members of the Rutgers University community to seed innovative projects that support research, learning, and community engagement.

The 2017 Summer Institute, funded by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, brought together a global cohort of faculty, advanced doctoral and other terminal degree students, and scholar-activists from the humanities and social sciences across the U.S. to examine the current state of U.S. higher education; explore critical dialogues among community organizations, activists, and scholar-activists; and embark upon collaborative strategies to create a more just academy. Together, scholar-activists and community partners shared how these collaborations rely on new, sometimes unexpected, kinds of institutional transformation and change—both in the academy and in our communities.

Under the aegis of the P3 Collaboratory at Rutgers-Newark, the fellowship is designed to support
RU-N faculty in learning about, and implementing, evidence-based pedagogies in their courses, while providing opportunities for the development and furtherance of their individual scholarly agendas. In addition, Fellows are expected to support the ongoing research and programmatic initiatives of the P3 Collaboratory. In support of their commitment to the P3, Fellows will receive $15,000 for the academic year (or $7,500 for a single semester).

Founded by the University of Queensland, the 3MT is designed to celebrate and amplify the research of advanced graduate students. These contests cultivate academic, presentation, and research communication skills, while encouraging public engagement, camaraderie, and collaboration. Thousands of students around the world participate in this dynamic professional development initiative, and we are excited to announce the first such competition at Rutgers-Newark!

Where to Pitch Your OP-ED?
Learn the Art of the Research Talk: Using storytelling to make your point
Cultivate a more livable city that thrives on creative rhythms of the arts and humanities
ReThink recently released the Millennials & New Media Guide: a resource that walks you through the most popular news outlets, websites, and podcasts that millennials and Gen Z’ers consult to get their daily news fix. The Guide features everything from podcasts to online streaming services to newsletters. You may be left wondering: I wrote a good old-fashioned opinion piece. Which of these outlets will actually print my op-ed? ReThink has combed through the Guide to identify outlets with strong opinion sections that could soon feature your very own op-ed.
More information available at
So you want to give a research talk but have stage fright? Are you comfortable with public speaking but have trouble choosing one clear idea? Learning how to talk about your research is an important skill that can help to transform your career and life. As a TEDx speaker coach and Toastmasters Area Governor, Dr. Tiffany Green helps scholars refine and shape your ideas into impactful talks using the art of storytelling.
More information available at
The Clement A. Price Institute on Ethnicity, Culture, and the Modern Experience is a campus-based, community-oriented center for the public arts and humanities, committed to critical thinking and creativity in civic life. The institute engages a range of community partners and audiences through public programs whose collective objective is to help make Newark a more livable, interesting, and civically wholesome urban environment.
Fore more information, email
Write for The Conversation
Incubate talent, cultivate engaged scholarship, and promote social practice
Build bridges to the community through meaningful partnerships
The Conversation is an independent news source for informed commentary and analysis, written by university scholars and leaders. Rutgers-Newark faculty and PhD candidates are eligible to author articles. All The Conversation articles are posted to The Associated Press wire service and made available to hundreds of news outlets across the country.
More information available at
If you have any questions, contact The Conversation at
Express Newark is a university–community collaboratory in Newark’s historic Hahne & Company building. A conceptual framework and an interdisciplinary learning space, Express Newark artists and community residents collaborate, experiment, and innovate in partnership with Rutgers University – Newark faculty, staff, and students with the goals of engaging in public work, creative practice, and democratic dialogue in order to promote positive transformation.
The Office of University-Community Partnerships (OUCP) oversees programs and facilitates initiatives that create and strengthen bridges between Rutgers-Newark and the Greater Newark community. OUCP serves as the nexus that connects Rutgers University–Newark students, faculty and staff to expand, create and promote reciprocal and mutually beneficial partnerships that support and align with the university’s strategic engagement priorities.
For more information, contact OUCP at