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Chancellor's Scholars-in-Residence Fellowship

The AY2024-2025 Scholar-in-Residence Fellowship

application period is now closed. Check back in the spring for 2025-2026!


See Call for Applications (above) for details.

Under the aegis of the P3 Collaboratory at Rutgers-Newark, the fellowship is designed to support RU-N faculty in learning and implementing evidence-based pedagogies in their courses, while providing opportunities for the development and furtherance of their individual scholarly agendas. In addition, Fellows are expected to support the ongoing research and programmatic initiatives of the P3 Collaboratory. In support of their commitment to the P3, Fellows receive $15,000 for the academic year (or $7,500 for a single semester).

In previous years, Scholars-in-Residence have embarked upon program design and STEM pathways for underrepresented populations; course redesign and pedagogical protocol development; and a campus-wide yearlong teaching development program.

Eligibility & Expectations: The Chancellor’s Scholar-in-Residence Fellowship is open to all full-time faculty at RU-N: tenured, tenure-track, and non-tenure track. Fellows are expected to contribute approximately 20% of their professional time to the fellowship and are provided dedicated office space within the P3 Collaboratory in Dana Library. 

Meet Our 2024-2025 Scholars-in-Residence

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Laura Porterfield, PhD

Urban Education (SASN)

Project Description

My project focuses on the pedagogical possibilities of engaging racial discomfort and civil discourse in the classroom and beyond. Through the use of structured dialogue and self-study, my project engages faculty by providing professional development opportunities and support for critical reflection around the use of 11 Guidelines for Engaging Racial Discomfort and Civil Discourse, developed and used for nearly a decade by a team of university researchers. Given the current national and global political climate, this project seeks to enact the university’s commitment to deliberately fostering “dialogues across difference” by demystifying the how and building a methodological framework using the 11 Guidelines, designing opportunities for using, experimenting, and revising these guidelines ad nauseam.

Dr. Porterfield is a Scholar-in-Residence for 2024-2025.

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Stephanie Rodriguez

 Spanish and Portuguese Studies (SASN)

Project Description

My project focuses on working collaboratively across Rutgers-Newark to increase awareness and understanding of translation studies and translation technology. Through this fellowship, I have developed the Lives in Translation program by designing new training curricula and delivering workshops aimed at preparing students for careers in language services. To increase the program's visibility and support enrollment, I am leading a recruitment initiative specifically for transfer and community college partners. With the support of the fellowship, I am conducting research on the use of machine translation with large language models in public services by language brokers.

Stephanie is a Scholar-in-Residence for 2024-2025

Former Scholars-in-Residence
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Ramona Ross, 2023-2024


The Psychology Professionals of Tomorrow (PPOT) mentorship initiative aims to support diverse undergraduate and recent graduates who want to become mental health therapists.  Lead by Dr. Ross and Dean Henderson, this program is entering its third year and was founded based on the dire need for clinicians in the workforce, the mental health public epidemic, and a huge lack of diversity in the field.  PPOT seeks to fill a gap in the preparation of undergraduate students by providing support during the graduate school application process through professional development around application materials, financial literacy, and networking. 

Goals of this program include producing a standardized mentorship initiative that can be replicated in other psychology departments to address this gap.  Additional goals include the acceptance of our mentees into applied clinical psychology programs that would lead to practice. All of our mentees come from underrepresented backgrounds and/or are largely first generation. 


Valerio Baćak, 2023-2024

School of Criminal Justice

My project is focused on adapting and applying evidence-based pedagogical practices to teaching incarcerated college students in prisons. These practices include active learning techniques, creating an inclusive classroom, and developing a growth mindset. The ultimate goal is to enhance their learning experience and build a sense of belonging to the academic community.


Gaiutra Bahadur, 2023-2024


At the P3 this year, I'll be studying the role of student publications in journalism education. I'll redesign our Newsroom Workshop course to serve as a Newark bureau of The Targum, the student newspaper at Rutgers-New Brunswick, and I'll redesign our Journalism Capstone course to produce an issue each semester of the magazine Scarlet. The goal is to create concrete opportunities for our students to develop a portfolio of work to help them land internships and jobs. I'm also working to create more internship opportunities for students and to bring more working journalists doing innovative work to campus. 

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Ashaki Rouff, 2017-18

Earth & Environmental Sciences

As Scholar-in-Residence, I explored and developed aspects of my teaching and research that I wouldn’t have had the opportunity to otherwise. Leveraging the multitude of resources available at the P3 Collaboratory, I was able to focus on professional development and other activities in support of my career goals, student success, and to address challenges facing my discipline. The experience truly broadened my vision for what I can accomplish in my role as faculty.

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Lois Warner, 2021-22

Public Affairs & Administration

As Scholar-in-Residence, I explored and developed aspects of my teaching and research that I wouldn’t have had the opportunity to otherwise. Leveraging the multitude of resources available at the P3 Collaboratory, I was able to focus on professional development and other activities in support of my career goals, student success, and to address challenges facing my discipline. The experience truly broadened my vision for what I can accomplish in my role as faculty.

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Christina Zambrano-Varghese, 2018-19


The Chancellor's Scholar-in-Residence program enabled me to research best practices for faculty development and share that information with members of the campus community.  I was able to form partnerships for the benefit of our collective student success goals, and as a result, I noticed a profound impact upon my own teaching.  I am grateful for the opportunities I have been granted through this program, and I have seen the ways in which my students have been granted the opportunity to excel as a result.

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Jason Bird, 2018-19

Social Work

The fellowship provided me with the resources and support to experiment with new ideas in the classroom, which allowed me to creatively explore new directions in my research and teaching. This year, I developed new classroom techniques aimed at enhancing students’ empathy along with new research to assess the effectiveness of those classroom techniques. The fellowship also encouraged my engaging with an expanded network of colleagues who helped bring fresh perspectives to my areas of interest. This experience was a perfect post-tenure opportunity to refresh my research ideas and rekindle my academic passions, both inside and outside the classroom!


Audrey Redding-Raines, 2019-20

Social Work

Coming Soon.

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Ian Watson, 2019-20

American Studies; Arts, Culture & Media

The P3 Collaboratory's Scholar-in-Residence fellowship is a wonderful opportunity for those interested in taking time to think about ways in which they can bring together three of our challenges as teachers and faculty members at RU-N: professional development, teaching, and research. As I see it, the fundamental challenge the P3 presents faculty is how to be the best version of yourself for the benefit of the young people we serve.

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Ramona Ross, 2020-21


The Scholar-in-Residence role has been one of the best professional development experiences I have had in my career.  This role has given me the opportunity to work on a passion project, which supports underrepresented students who want to pursue clinical work in psychology.  Having the support of P3 demonstrated to other entities in my field that the issue at hand was crucial and encouraged them to get involved as well.  With the support of the P3, we successfully applied to grants within our first year.  This role has also allowed me to connect with professionals across various disciplines, who are passionate about diversity, equity, and inclusion work.

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Patricia Akhimie, 2020-21


When I took up the Scholar-in-Residence fellowship in early 2020, in the midst of the pandemic, I hoped to build support for other faculty members struggling to balance childcare with research and writing at a particularly challenging time. It was beyond gratifying to make connections with more than 90 other faculty members at Rutgers-Newark who identify as caregivers. Yet what has made this experience a career-changing one has been the opportunity to better understand and to proactively define the relationship between my own roles as caregiver, educator, and scholar, and my commitment to faculty development. I have deeply appreciated all I have received at P3 in the form of mentorship, advocacy, and logistical support. 

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Courtney Sobers, 2021-22


The Scholar-in-Residence Fellowship’s greatest feature was the inclusion of time with the support of staff and educators to regularly talk through complex teaching issues. That time allowed me to deeply think about how my development as Teaching Track faculty can be beneficial to not only my department but also Rutgers-Newark. As a result, I ran a course introducing students at all levels to education-based research by practitioners and research faculty. I also made significant progress towards a campus learning community focused on exploring alternative assessment strategies and implementing a STEM specific training around inclusive teaching practices for teaching assistants. It even helped me identify accessibility concerns with my plans to incorporate AR/VR in my classes. I deeply appreciated that the fellowship allowing me the space to safely learn (even through failure) in community with other instructors and faculty. 

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Luke Greeley, 2022-2023

Supply Chain Management

My project is two-fold. First, to enhance the curriculum of the Business Forum, a professional development and skill-building course, and possibly develop a model of professional development courses for other Rutgers schools and units to adopt. Second, to develop and execute a research study which explores psychological interventions in the classroom to help students improve performance by ‘priming’ the value of diverse personality attributes and intelligences through values-affirmation exercises. 

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Diane Jammla, 2022-2023


I am applying for grants to create pathways for underrepresented minority students in physics. This funding will support the new Physics Education Research Group at Rutgers, Newark, which seeks to provide cutting edge physics education in urban public institutions.


Thanks for joining the P3 Learning Community!

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