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The Center


The P3 Collaboratory for Pedagogy, Professional Development, and Publicly-Engaged Scholarship at Rutgers University-Newark focuses on institutional interventions that support holistic faculty development over the lifecycle of an academic career. From the preparation of graduate students for diverse career trajectories, through identification and recruitment of promising scholars, and providing the best supports for a successful academic career from hiring to promotion, retirement, and beyond, the P3 supports programming, research, and learning initiatives across the Rutgers-Newark campus.



The P3 Collaboratory is committed to:

  • Collaborative research, learning, and engagement

  • Innovative teaching

  • Evidence-based pedagogies

  • Equitable learning environments

  • A responsive stance to change and emerging needs

  • Lifelong learning and learning beyond the classroom

  • Peer teaching, learning, and intentional mentoring

  • Sustainable models

  • Technologies that advance engagement, learning, and achievement

  • Building civic dialogue


As a comprehensive center for the development of excellence in teaching and research, the P3 Collaboratory is a place for scholars to come together across disciplinary, rank, and professional boundaries to engage in critical challenges facing our community and society; to be a part of teaching, scholarship and leadership learning communities; and to join in discussions that are of utmost importance to us as a university community -- all in a dynamic, flexible, and creative space. 

Criteria for reappointment of faculty in the P3 are available here.

Learn more about P3 support

The P3 is dedicated to supporting faculty and graduate students across RU-N. Our services are grounded in high-impact, research driven initiatives, draw on critical pedagogy as a means of transformational learning, promote innovation, and are deeply collaborative in nature.

To schedule an appointment or consultation, visit our contact page.

Engaging with departments and programs

Thanks for joining the P3 Learning Community!

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