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The RU-N Community

In 2021, the P3 Collaboratory relocated to an 11,000 square feet new build on the third floor of the John Cotton Dana Library, establishing a robust integrative learning environment with advanced facilities and technologies to foster connections and exchange ideas.


Dana Library is an optimal location for the P3 Collaboratory, as it is centrally located and a resource to all of the university community. In our new Dana Library "home", the P3 Collaboratory can be a dynamic, flexible, and creative space for scholars to come together across disciplinary, rank, and professional boundaries to engage in critical challenges facing our community and society; to be a part of teaching, scholarship and leadership learning communities; and to join in discussions that are of utmost importance to us as a university community.


RU Welcomes You

The P3 Collaboratory welcomes colleagues and visitors from universities within New Jersey, and across the region and the globe. If you'd like to visit with us to learn more about our resources, programs, and services, please visit our contact page.


Our team is able to meet with you or your group Monday through Thursday between 10:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. Requests can be responded to most effectively if received at least three (3) weeks in advance, as it will allow more scheduling flexibility. 


While at Rutgers-Newark, you or your organization might wish to meet with other programs focused on teaching and learning innovation and high-impact and research driven initiatives. Below please find the contact information for some of our campus programs.



The P3 Collaboratory 
185 University Avenue, John Cotton Dana Library
Suite 335, Newark, New Jersey 07102
(973) 353-2880


8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday


**Coming Soon**


Thanks for joining the P3 Learning Community!

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